🌻 Professional Practice Group 🌻
I’m delighted to announce the start date: FRIDAY 18TH OCTOBER.
And there are still a couple of places!
Why a Professional Practice Group?
I was inspired to create this group for several reasons:
It can be hard running your own business. You set up your business because of your passion for the work you do. Sometimes it’s just lovely to have others who understand, who you can talk to, who ‘have your back’.
It can be a little lonely being in a senior position in an organisation. To be able to speak to fellow senior professionals from other walks of life - to share, be heard, make sense - within a confidential space - can be hugely beneficial.
The work we do has the potential to make a real difference in this world of ours. How do we ‘stay the course’, ensure we’re doing our ‘heart’s work’, the work we were meant to do? And avoid being drawn into distractions, or work that doesn’t really make our heart sing?
This Group is for Professionals in any field. So far, we have Executive Coaches, and Directors of HR, Talent and Operations.
🌏 Starting 18th October 2024 and running monthly. 0930-1100. Online, on Zoom.
🌍 The fee will be commensurate with ability to pay.
Next Step?
🌏 Let’s set up a 30 min exploratory conversation as soon as! Contact me at: wendy@wendyrobinson.org.
Closing Date:
🌏 All initial exploratory conversations to have taken place by 20th September.
(Please feel free to share this opportunity with your network of fellow professionals and business owners; I would be delighted to have exploratory conversations with anyone interested.)